I believe you are looking for Web Map Services for Digital Atlas Nord.
For Germany you can access the GetCapabilities as WMTS from here and set it up as background for Inspector or download a portion of it to use a background raster. Be careful at what projection you use.
I believe you are looking for Web Map Services for Digital Atlas Nord.
For Germany you can access the GetCapabilities as WMTS from here and set it up as background for Inspector or download a portion of it to use a background raster. Be careful at what projection you use.
Thanks for reply ,
i have tried to edit background map in inspector but it seems to me that it does not work ,so what i have missed here ?
how could i download a portion of it ,i did not get it when i opened the link
could u provide a sample workspace ,if u do not mind
FME 2018
Here is an example of using FeatureReader set to WMS to get a piece of the map containing Hamburg 4096x4096 pixels contained in a bounding box of some features:
First generate a bounding box of the area that you need via BoundingBoxAccumulator.
Make sure your data is in one of these SRS/CRS's: EPSG:4326, EPSG:3857, EPSG:4258, EPSG:25832, EPSG:25833, EPSG:4647, EPSG:5650, EPSG:3034, EPSG:3035, EPSG:3044, EPSG:3045, EPSG:31466, EPSG:31467, EPSG:31468, EPSG:31469, EPSG:5676, EPSG:5677, EPSG:5678, EPSG:5679, EPSG:4839, EPSG:5243, if not reproject to one of them.
Sent that bounding box to a FeatureReader configured as WMS. I don't know exactly what map is used by DigitalAtlasNord that you referenced, but I used this:
as dataset. The WMTS that I provided earlier seems to not work. Sorry for that.
Go to Parameters and select the layer that you want, the Width and Height of the output raster, the Output Format (image/png) and the Map SRS (preferably the CRS/SRS or your data from above).
Connect something (Inspector?) to the new port that appeared on the FeatureReader ("web" in my case) and use the raster.
It's already georeferenced so you can sent it to a rasterizer to overlay what data you want on it (I prefer MapnikRasterizer). Send that to PDFPageFormatter to create pdf.
You can use the WMS in Microstation as well. Just be careful about the reference system used.
I can't create a workspace for 2018, I am running on 2021.
Here is an example of using FeatureReader set to WMS to get a piece of the map containing Hamburg 4096x4096 pixels contained in a bounding box of some features:
First generate a bounding box of the area that you need via BoundingBoxAccumulator.
Make sure your data is in one of these SRS/CRS's: EPSG:4326, EPSG:3857, EPSG:4258, EPSG:25832, EPSG:25833, EPSG:4647, EPSG:5650, EPSG:3034, EPSG:3035, EPSG:3044, EPSG:3045, EPSG:31466, EPSG:31467, EPSG:31468, EPSG:31469, EPSG:5676, EPSG:5677, EPSG:5678, EPSG:5679, EPSG:4839, EPSG:5243, if not reproject to one of them.
Sent that bounding box to a FeatureReader configured as WMS. I don't know exactly what map is used by DigitalAtlasNord that you referenced, but I used this:
as dataset. The WMTS that I provided earlier seems to not work. Sorry for that.
Go to Parameters and select the layer that you want, the Width and Height of the output raster, the Output Format (image/png) and the Map SRS (preferably the CRS/SRS or your data from above).
Connect something (Inspector?) to the new port that appeared on the FeatureReader ("web" in my case) and use the raster.
It's already georeferenced so you can sent it to a rasterizer to overlay what data you want on it (I prefer MapnikRasterizer). Send that to PDFPageFormatter to create pdf.
You can use the WMS in Microstation as well. Just be careful about the reference system used.
I can't create a workspace for 2018, I am running on 2021.
Here is the workspace I used
Here is the workspace I used
The features that "form" the bounding box give the area that will be downloaded. So, to get a background of Kiel use, for example, a shape file of the streets of Kiel as input in BoundingBoxAcumulator. Be very careful of the CRS.
You selected to many layers and it took to much to download. Select only one layer in Parameters -> Layer List.
Alternatively use 2048x2048 map Height x Width if first suggestion doesn't solve the problem.
OGC or NON OGC is the same.
Sorry, don't have time to install 2018.
Here is the workspace I used
thanks alot ,because ur workspace is 2021 ,i could not find any transformers when i opened it .but any way i took ur advicesand it is working now .
but i would like to ask about two points :
about boundig box accumultor which parameter should i change there ?
secondly mapnikrasterizer ,which parameter should i edit ?
could u please take screen shot of the parameters of these tranformers .
last question after using clipper ,i should use nodatasetter 0 to remove nodata around map
thanks alot for ur help
Here is the workspace I used
The ideea with BoundingBoxAcumulator is to input your features in it (ie: your polygons) and send the box to the FeatureReader WMS. Besides using GroupBy (was there GroupBy in 2018?) I don't know what you can change in it. Anyway, read the documentation for the transformer BoundingBoxAccumulator (safe.com).
For Mapnik read the documentation and play with it. It's a hit and miss kind of thing. It depends mostly on what you want the output to look like. My two words is to connect every input to a separate port so you can style it different.
If you are advanced in creating pdf output from FME you can skip any rasterizers altogether.