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Hi All, I'm new to fme, I have a LAS/LAZ point cloud data and I want to convert it to cesium 3d tiles. how can i do that using FME 2022.1.3. Please Help. -Thanks Aseem

  • October 27, 2022
  • 2 replies

Hi All, I'm new to fme, I have a LAS/LAZ point cloud data and I want to convert it to cesium 3d tiles. how can i do that using FME 2022.1.3. Please Help. -Thanks Aseem


@aseem1150​ Hi Aseem, welcome to FME! I'm going to link you to a similar question that one of our Community members asked. In this article, you'll find an answer thread where Daragh provides a sample workspace to convert LAS to Cesium 3D tiles. The key here is that the Cesium 3D Tiles Writer does not support point cloud geometry, but is does support surface geometry. If you first convert your point cloud data to a surface, you should be able to write out Cesium 3D tiles from there.


I hope this helps out. If you have any further questions about your translations, please don't hesitate to reach out to the FME Community again!

natalieatsafe wrote:

@aseem1150​ Hi Aseem, welcome to FME! I'm going to link you to a similar question that one of our Community members asked. In this article, you'll find an answer thread where Daragh provides a sample workspace to convert LAS to Cesium 3D tiles. The key here is that the Cesium 3D Tiles Writer does not support point cloud geometry, but is does support surface geometry. If you first convert your point cloud data to a surface, you should be able to write out Cesium 3D tiles from there.


I hope this helps out. If you have any further questions about your translations, please don't hesitate to reach out to the FME Community again!

I’m having the same exact issue and I’m not seeing the sample workspace in the thread. Furthermore, I don’t understand why the software allows me to do a simple LAZ reader -> Cesium 3D tile writer workflow and is giving me normal looking output without any errors at any stage if this transformation should not be possible and requires some extra steps and workarounds.


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