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I am trying to write from Excel to Azure. The writer table has no primary key as it is just a staging table and doesn't need one. FME will not allow me to write to it unless I set a primary key. Azure lets me write to the table within the server so it seems like it is only FME requiring a primary key. How do I get FME to write to a writer with no primary key?


This is the error message (I am not creating a new table):

Microsoft SQL Server Non-Spatial Writer: Failed to create Azure table 'dbo.test_survey' because no clustered index or primary key was specified. If creating a new table, go into the 'User Attribute' tab and set the 'Index' column to 'clustered', 'clustered_not_null', or 'primary_key' for a column


And these are the settings


Hi @clare123​ 

This appears to be by design, I can definitely check with our dev team.

Can I request you to modify your workspace to use Microsoft Azure SQL Database Non-Spatial (JDBC) writer instead?

As per my testing, this writer appears to be working as expected.
