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Writing decent SOSI-files, with polygins?

  • 28 February 2013
  • 2 replies

I have a set of roads, where I have made the areas for road cover, and coded it with road-spesific metadata.  So far so good - I can deal with manipulation.  But I cannot properly write it without getting a metric ton of duplicate lines.  I have run the data trough a topologybuilder before exportting, but to no avail. 



I used a different SOSI writer before (and guess I am forced to learn some of this stuff all over again) but want to cut some corners by asking: Does anyone have experience in writing to a SOSI-file that include polygons/areas? 

2 replies

Userlevel 5
Which SOSI plugin are you using?



Since SOSI support is not an official part of FME, you might have better luck contacting the support of the company behind the plugin you're using.



I would guess that it would be either Geodata or Norkart.



Have a look in the FME log file if you're in doubt.



Userlevel 1
Badge +24
Yes, this is possible with our SOSI-plugin (GDMMapper). After the TopologyBuilder you just have to rename the following Attributes:



_polygon_id       -> _gdm_ploygon_id


_lines                   -> _gdm_lines


_arc_id                ->_gdm_arc_id



And make sure all your objects have an OBJTYPE or change the settings on the WRITER to ignore the OBJEKTKATALOG completely.






We will launch a new webpage with more information regarding FME and GDMMapper on this link later this month. For the moment it is forwarded to an older webpage, feel free to try this at the end of March 2013!:
