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I have two folders with PDF's with the same name. I need to merge the pdf's in folder A with the pdf's in folder B when they have the same name and I can't get it to work in any way. I now have this workbench ( I need a stringreplacer due to errors in file names):



The output will not open with acrobat reader. I get an error saying thete is not enough information for drawing a picture. When I open the PDF in a browser it will open, but:

- the first page is empty

- Some parts of the PDF's are blocked with a black block:


(note: this is the exact output, I did not block anything)




My questions:

- How do I merge teh pdf's?

- How do I get an export that will open in acrobat reader?

Hi @michiedem

It is not necessary to use a FeatureMerger to merge features together. I would recommend removing the FeatureMerger from your workflow.

In order to create one PDF from two separate PDF files, the key is to use the format attribute pdf_page_number. You need to use this attribute to specify which page of the PDF you want the specific features to appear on.

In the screenshot you attached, this format attribute is generated by the PDFPageFormatter but it is also possible to create this value yourself using an AttributeManager or AttributeCreator.

There are a number of other PDF format attribute that you can leverage for greater control over the output of your data. For more information format attributes available, please see our documentation.

Attached is an example of using format attributes merging two PDFs with the same name together pdfmerge.fmwt
