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Hi ,

is it possible to set a timeout-Parameter for writing in a Postgis-DB to ensure, that the connection will be closed.

I don't think that's possible.

I don't think that's possible.

suspected as much, wont it automatically be closed when the writting is ended?



suspected as much, wont it automatically be closed when the writting is ended?



yes, connction closed when writing ended. But if there is a problem at the postgis-db during writing, the connection will not be closed.



yes, connction closed when writing ended. But if there is a problem at the postgis-db during writing, the connection will not be closed.



Makes sense since then the writing will try to continue.



Makes sense since then the writing will try to continue.



I understand, but it would be great, if I can define a timeout, so the connection closed if there is no activity for a long time.


Because if I want to run skripts on the Postgsi-db to repair the table. The Skript didn't start, because there are still connections open.



