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The version\\licence\\remaining days of the trail FME Server,



I have installed the trial version of FME Server. As I logged to the it, I couldn’t figure out how to check:



1. The version of the FME Server


2. The license of the FME Server


3. The remaining days for the trial version of the FME Server





Thank you









the version number of FME Server is on the bottom left of the screen capture you posted ;-)





As for the remaining days, open the LMTools application that is installed with FME Server, go to the tab "Server diags" and hit the button "Perform diagnostics". The license expiry date will show in the window below.



Very much appreciated David. This is very useful.






As for FME Server 2016.1, on application data share look for a file licenses/fme_server_license.fmelic. That file contains the expiry date of the license.
As for FME Server 2016.1, on application data share look for a file licenses/fme_server_license.fmelic. That file contains the expiry date of the license.
You can also look inside Manage / Administration / Engine & Licensing, where the license expiry date will be printed at the top of the page:


