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When I looked at the below link


I came across the options "Export to FME" and "Import from FME" in Folders dialogue box

Does anyone used these options (refer image at red polygon)???


If yes could you kindly provide some information about uses/functions/requirements to use them

Thank you




so these two slots in explorer in sw are here for you to only import/export only selected collections of objects.


You just drag and drop collection from My Datasets. All objects inside it will get:

1. Added as writer in FME (if you add collection to Export to FME)

2. Added as reader in FME (if you add collection to Import from FME)


Of course, you need to add SW4/5 Reader or Writer and choose Table list (only collection that are in these two slots will be shown).


This is particulary usefull when you want to use only few objects of sw in fme (You don't have to read whole database). Then you:

1. Select objects of interest in SW

2. Put them in Scrapbook

3. From Scrapbook drag collections (one by one) to Import from FME


Try it, and give us your insight.



Thank you @zzupljanin

Could you kindly explain further

3. From Scrapbook drag collections (one by one) to Import from FME


Thank you @zzupljanin

Could you kindly explain further

3. From Scrapbook drag collections (one by one) to Import from FME




Please look at the example.


I have features of interest (in Scrapbook) that I want to work with in FME.

I'll just drag them to Import to FME.



Inside FME: only selected collections are visible as tables to read. When running workspace, only these features went trough Reader although SW database consist of thousands of data.



Like I've said. Very practical, very timesaving, you don't have to read whole database if you work only with some data.



Please look at the example.


I have features of interest (in Scrapbook) that I want to work with in FME.

I'll just drag them to Import to FME.



Inside FME: only selected collections are visible as tables to read. When running workspace, only these features went trough Reader although SW database consist of thousands of data.



Like I've said. Very practical, very timesaving, you don't have to read whole database if you work only with some data.


I have added from scrapbook to "Import from FME". It is same as per your screenshot. But I'm not sure how to bring this collection as reader in FME???


I have added from scrapbook to "Import from FME". It is same as per your screenshot. But I'm not sure how to bring this collection as reader in FME???

It's the same procedure as in


1. Add SW Reader

2. Go to parameters

3. Go to Table List: Pick tables to read

