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We are currently upgrading our Smallworld from 422 to 5.1.X and I am trying to get the existing FME 2014sp4 fmw files to work correctly. They will run (the text and lines translate) but it appears that the Smallworld mapped Geometries for our points that are in the fmw file are not recognized. I also tried creating a new simple fme workspace (In 2014sp4 and 2017.1.1.1) and when the reader comes back with a list of Smallworld geometries none of the mapped geometries are available. Are there any know problems with Mapped Geometries and Smallworld 5.1.X. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

The new reader/writer for Smallworld 5.x only supports the 'physical' geometry, not mapped geometries. You might be add a predicate to the Smallworld Reader WHERE parameter to select the appropriate mapped geometry - although that WHERE applies to all feature types in the workspace. Alternatively, add a Tester or TestFilter to keep only the features you need.

I think this change was made to reduce clutter in the workspace, since many Smallworld objects have multiple mapped geometries and these would all be represented as feature types in the FME Workbench.

The new reader/writer for Smallworld 5.x only supports the 'physical' geometry, not mapped geometries. You might be add a predicate to the Smallworld Reader WHERE parameter to select the appropriate mapped geometry - although that WHERE applies to all feature types in the workspace. Alternatively, add a Tester or TestFilter to keep only the features you need.

I think this change was made to reduce clutter in the workspace, since many Smallworld objects have multiple mapped geometries and these would all be represented as feature types in the FME Workbench.

Good morning Mark, I have a question. Was the decision to eliminate the Mapped Geometries a Safe choice or a Smallworld Choice? The reason that I ask is that we have hundreds of mapped geometries and hundreds of users that use these translated mapped geometries. Thanks Robyn




The new reader/writer for Smallworld 5.x only supports the 'physical' geometry, not mapped geometries. You might be add a predicate to the Smallworld Reader WHERE parameter to select the appropriate mapped geometry - although that WHERE applies to all feature types in the workspace. Alternatively, add a Tester or TestFilter to keep only the features you need.

I think this change was made to reduce clutter in the workspace, since many Smallworld objects have multiple mapped geometries and these would all be represented as feature types in the FME Workbench.

Mark, you mentioned a W\\HERE parameter(Clause). Could I get direction from you on how to structure the WHERE Cause so I can test just in case I need to go in this direction. I would say that at lease 98% of the mapped geometries are needed for the translation so if the WHERE Clause applied to everything that would be fine. Thanks Again Robyn



I have found a fix for this problem. I spoke with Dan Cooney with GE and this particular change was actually implemented in Smallworld 43 but the default was changed in 5.X. Included with the Smallworld fme code is a configuration file that sets "hide_mapped_geoms?" the default in 43 was set to false but they changed the default in 5.x to true. I added the line of code in the config.xml file and set it to false and the mapped objects started to translate again. <property name="hide_mapped_geoms?" value="false"/>


The new reader/writer for Smallworld 5.x only supports the 'physical' geometry, not mapped geometries. You might be add a predicate to the Smallworld Reader WHERE parameter to select the appropriate mapped geometry - although that WHERE applies to all feature types in the workspace. Alternatively, add a Tester or TestFilter to keep only the features you need.

I think this change was made to reduce clutter in the workspace, since many Smallworld objects have multiple mapped geometries and these would all be represented as feature types in the FME Workbench.

WHERE: Uses a Smallworld predicate syntax, something like;


Electricity] cable where Status = "Accepted"


But remember that applies to ALL your feature types in the workspace.


If you create a new workspace for your Sworld5 environment I'd just use the 'physical' geometry (reduces clutter in the workspace). Then, if you do need to separate the features based on the 'mapped geometry', I'd use a TestFilter or AttributeFilter on the attribute that is used to define the mapped geometry in the Smallworld Database (for example in the Cambridge Database that would be the 'voltage' attribute on the cable objects)
