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Hi all,

I've got a workbench where I'm trying to convert a series of dgns to a geodatabase. I have used the tester to filter out the colour white (which is the title block, the dgns are 20 years old) and then I've used a geometry filter to filter by 'area' so that I only get the polygons I need. The inspector gives me exactly what I want except that I now need to made the 'fme_color(string)' an attribute, for example I would like green (0,1,0) to be freehold in my geodatabase attribute table. Can anybody help me out? Thanks

An attributevaluemapper is one way

Another (more flexible) option is to create a spreadsheet with columns for fme_color and any attributes you want to add.

Then use the Joiner (in FME 2017 renamed to DatabaseJoiner) to join these attribute values to the DGN features based on fme-color = fme_color.

That will allow you to modify the spreadsheet for additional color definitions. You could even use the MicroStation color to join (attribute igds_color).
