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I have CAD file with nomber of layers, each layer represent landuse, i want to knew what transformer i should use to convert the CAD file into GIS personal database , the output to be one feature class and landuse use to be saved in one field.



have you tried using the Wizard to generate a template workspace first?



File / New / Generate workspace



You need to add a Autocad Reader and a PGDB Writer, you may end up with many featuretypes on the canvas for the Reader, these all need to be connected into 1 target featuretype on the writer. 



This webinar might get you started

We tried to convert CAD to GeoTIFF and our leg says it was successful although no feature was created. Can't understand why

We tried to convert CAD to GeoTIFF and our leg says it was successful although no feature was created. Can't understand why

Hi @blabrams_nara​ 

This post is from a good few years ago, I would recommend creating your own post as it looks like you are using a different CAD format and a lot has changed in FME over the past 8 years. It looks like no features have been read into the workspace to begin with. In your post please specify the formats you are working with and share any workspace and data if possible.

