
Has anyone experimented with connecting to "Databricks on AWS" data sources? If so, which reader format or transformer should be used to make the connection and browse the available data?

  • 16 September 2022
  • 2 replies

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Has anyone experimented with connecting to "Databricks on AWS" data sources? If so, which reader format or transformer should be used to make the connection and browse the available data?

2 replies

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Hi @pmcpherson​, At this time we do not have a Databricks Reader/Writer.

As a workaround you could use the JDBC Reader/Writer and by installing the Databricks JDBC Driver (/FME/plugins/java in My Documents) and then restarting FME, you would be able to see if you can connect to the Databricks Database. However, I do believe you would need to use SQLExecuter to interact with Databricks using 'SQL' like commands to pass to the Databricks Database. Let me know how this works for you.

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Thanks for the response. Yes, after I posted this question I eventually found the JDBC option and was able to install the needed driver and query data (and browse the tables) using the SQLExecutor.
