
'Translation was SUCCESSFUL - Error running translation.' when reading DWG files

  • 14 September 2022
  • 1 reply

I am currently processing a bunch of DWG files where the majority of them are working fine. There are a handful that result in the above question title as the error message no matter what transformer I use, how few or many CAD layers I involve, whether it is a new blank workspace or not. The error even shows up when I select 'OK' in the 'Add Reader' window and before I even select what layers to load in the following individual feature types window.


Any ideas on why this might be happening for some dwgs and not others?



1 reply


Hi @cleo are you reading in the files using the RealDWG Reader? Also what version of FME are you using? If you are not using the RealDWG Read could you test using it to see if it makes a difference to the translation?

