
Hi, i want to calculate the volume of some solid objects, so i´m using the VolumeCalculator, but I´m getting always 0 as the calculated value. Why can that be

  • 10 February 2021
  • 6 replies

  1. tested it with 3ds, shape and object.
  2. the CRS is 25833
  3. GeometryValidator => passed through "Solid Orientation"
  4. FME 2020.1



6 replies

Userlevel 1
Badge +11

Hi @andylicht​,

If your CRS is EPSG:25833, FME will use the projection units, which appears to be meters (as opposed to degrees), so that part looks great. Checking out the transformer I noticed the documentation says that "for non-3D solid geometries, a volume of zero is always returned," so it's possible that although your geometry is a solid, it might be a flat 2D solid. Can you confirm what your input geometry looks like? I put a test workspace together: the yellow bookmark creates an extruded solid and I can get the volume (10x10x10 = 1000), but with a 2D polygon forced to a solid, my volume comes out as zero. Hope that helps to explain things!



Hi Jovita,

thanks for the fast reply. I always get zero. Maybe it is possible to test my workbench - i give you some example data (Shape and Object, one object file is in 4326).

best regards



Andy my workbench, i only can connect one file with a answer

Userlevel 1
Badge +11

Hi @andylicht​, my sincere apologies for the delay in response! Are you still looking for a solution to this? Using the GeometryFilter, it looks like all the inputs are surfaces, please use a GeometryCoercer and coerce it to a brep solid before inputting into the VolumeCalculator.


Badge +1

Hi @andylicht​, my sincere apologies for the delay in response! Are you still looking for a solution to this? Using the GeometryFilter, it looks like all the inputs are surfaces, please use a GeometryCoercer and coerce it to a brep solid before inputting into the VolumeCalculator.


