
Shapefile to PostGIS. How to keep geometries and attributes?

  • 18 February 2019
  • 2 replies


Hi everyone, I'm a new user of FME Desktop and I want to populate an existing database starting from a shapefile, which contains both geometries and attributes. I want to keep both of them when I create the workspace in FME Desktop, so firstly, I started adding the shapefile feature type as "Reader". To understand the geometries involved, I used "GeometryFilter", selected all the geometries, and for each one I used the "inspector" transformer.

I found out that I have only "Surface".

Secondly, I used "PostGIS" as "Writer" and run my workspace. The translation was successful, however, when I open the database, I have two different types of geometries: "Multipolygon" (without the "Z") and "GeometryCollection", and I cannot see both of them in the map.

If I inspect with Data Inspector my output file (PostGIS), I see the geometries and the attributes.

What could be the problem?

I hope I have explained well my case.

2 replies

Userlevel 1
Badge +10

Hi @v_sunflower:

Are you able to share the Shapefile (or a sample)?

I'm a 3D novice myself, but I'm curious to know why the attributes and geometry are showing up in the FME Data Inspector but not in QGIS. Does QGIS support Geometry Collections (

It would be interesting to see the Properties (in the Feature Information panel) when you inspect the source shapefile in the FME Data Inspector, or when the Inspector launches after running the features through the GeometryFilter. If Geometry Collections aren't supported by QGIS, I'm wondering if you need to transform it to another postgis_type that QGIS supports?

It might be worth checking out the following:


Hi @Nampreet,

here it is the shapefile I used as "Reader" in FME Workbench:

Here are the screenshots in FME Data Inspector for the Shapefile, the GeometryFilter and the PostGIS features shown in picture 1.jpg:

Apparently PostGIS doesn't support GeometryCollection. The fact is that I haven't Collection geometries in the GeometryFilter (see picture 1.jpg). Maybe I need to do some extra step, but I don't know how to proceed.
