
Writing to File Geodatabase without geometry type in name

  • 2 August 2013
  • 4 replies




I've setup a workbench that has a generic reader writing to a file geodatabase with dynamic properties. In the output it keeps appending the geometry type to the feature class name e.g. xxxx_polygon. Can I stop it from doing this?



In the dynamic properties section if I set the schema source to the generic reader then I get this issue but if I set the schema source to a SDE reader for example then it doesn't put the feature type on the end.



I've tried editing the fme_basename and fme_feature_type properties to force the name to be the value of a user parameter but it still appends the geometry type without me asking it to.







4 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +13
Hi Peter,



I do not think there is a way to overrun this, it is an inherit dynamic behaviour.


This doeasnt happen with the SDE because the schema is defined, and there is no way to define it when using a generic reader.
Userlevel 4
Badge +13
Hi Peter,


On the Dynamic writer click on the Schema Definition button and check out the Geometry section. One of the options is "First Feature Defines Geometry Type". When you select this option the first feature to reach the writer is used to set the geometry type for the feature class. This avoids us having to add the _geometrytype to the feature class name because we are presuming that all features for this feature type will be the same type.





Hi Robyn and Itay,



Thanks for your replies. I've managed to get it to work by selecting the 'First Feature defines geometry type' option and it now doesn't include the type at the end of the name. It has had one side effect though...



I'm using a dynamic reader too and using an Excel spreadsheet with colums for the X and Y values. I'm using a 2D Point Replacer to geoecode these records but when writing to the dynamic writer with that option selected for geometry it writes the result out as a Feature Table with no geometry details. I then have to manually Create Feature Class from XY Table to get it to work in ArcGIS.



Thanks again,



Userlevel 4
Badge +13
Hi Peter,


Sorry for the delay in responding. You can make use of the GeometryCooercer transformer to change the type of geometry of your incoming features after they have been transformed into points. So setting the GeometryCooercer to a Geometry Type of fme_point would solve this problem.







