
Google Maps Engine Raster Writer HTTP Error 400

  • 24 October 2014
  • 0 replies

The writer is failing and the log shows this:


Google Maps Engine Raster Writer: Google Maps Engine responded with HTTP 400 and error message: domain:global message:Access lists are deprecated and are not available for use in new Maps Engine accounts. Remove any draftAccessList or publishedAccessList fields from your request and try again. reason:invalid




Feature output statistics for `JPEG2000' writer using keyword `W_1':




                               Features Written




nurc_mosaicnurc_mosaic                                                       1




Total Features Written                                                       1




Google Maps Engine Raster Writer: Failed to create raster asset 'nurc_mosaic'. (HTTP 400). Verify that your account has permission to access Google Maps Engine


A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details



It seems that the api has changed but maybe the writer has not? Also what's with the jpeg2000? I was trying to fetch png, is that an internal format?



If anyone has any answers about how to get around this I would appreciate it



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