
Error 400 writing to AGOL, Invalid html content.

  • 10 April 2018
  • 6 replies



I'm attempting to write a dataset to AGOL. This dataset comes from another system with ~25,000 records. So far I've been reading this dataset and processing it with my workbench without error for a some time now. Last week it began to fail with the error:

"ArcGIS Online Feature Service Writer: Encountered an unexpected error. The error code from the server was '400' and the message was: ''. Details: 'Field WORKDESC has invalid html content.'"

The datset has a field WORKDESC that contains freeform text entry where staff describe the details of a building permit. I suspect from my troubleshooting that somewhere along the line a strange character has been entered that the AGOL writer is interpretting as html content.

I'm looking for some tips/suggestions as to however to 'clean' this field so that this error doesn't hurl my workbench. However, I don't really want to manually dig through the dataset to find the specific character. Is there some general string replacement that will likely catch a character/symbol that could be causing this error?


6 replies

Badge +7

Hi @warren156, thanks for the question!


If you know the offending characters ('&' and '=' for this user) you could simply use a StringReplacer to replace them. There might be a deeper solution, though, based on the advanced feature layer settings accessed through your ArcGIS Admin page.



Hope this helps!



Hi @NathanAtSafe, thanks for replying. I don't necessarily know what character, if any, is causing the issue. I've used a StringCleaner transformer that I think does what you've suggested and removes the '&' and '=' characters within the field but the error persists. Is there something else I could be missing here?

Badge +7

Hi @NathanAtSafe, thanks for replying. I don't necessarily know what character, if any, is causing the issue. I've used a StringCleaner transformer that I think does what you've suggested and removes the '&' and '=' characters within the field but the error persists. Is there something else I could be missing here?

Hi @warren156, sorry to hear that. Are you able to upload this data directly through AGOL or from eg. ArcMap? You could attempt to write it to a File Geodatabase with FME and test uploading from other clients. I wonder if it might be useful to contact ESRI at this point to see if they can provide additional information about this specific error.


Alternatively, if you or your ArcGIS Online administrator are able to follow the guidance and steps outlined here and here, you may find a fix by turning off the "Filter web content" in your ArcGIS Server feature service settings.


Hope this helps.


Userlevel 2
Badge +19

I had the same problem.



To solve this I have used the transformer TextEncoder using HTML as Encoding Type:



Badge +2

I had the same error and realized I had <NULL> as text in the field. I used NullAttributeMapper to map them back to the null value and it resolved the issue.

Badge +16

Also please see here:

