
Read in Excel file from SharePoint

  • 24 August 2015
  • 1 reply

Hello all,


We are in the process of testing some ETL workflows and were wondering if it is possible to create a reader for an Excel file saved to SharePoint. The excel file is uploaded to a SharePoint site (on our internal network). I've tried creating a Microsoft Excel format reader and appended the site's url to the Dataset location, but with no avail. I am using network authentication to access the dataset with the necessary credentials from within FME desktop. Any ideas on where I am going wrong?



Thanks much in advance.



1 reply

Badge +14

Did you ever figure this out? I'm starting on a project that we need to read excel files from a 365 sharepoint site. From what I was told, if you have an internal site, it may be setup in such a way that your sharepoint keeps the files on a local network share (making it easier to read them in).
