
how to convert model between ifc and geobim or any other citygml ade?

  • 22 April 2019
  • 1 reply

i can finish ifc to standard citygml ,but the conversion between ifc to citygml ade has some propblem ,such as " The 'lod4Geometry' citygml_lod_name trait is invalid for 'Stair' features, the geometry will be ignored, valid values are {lod4MultiSurface}." when i set the citygml_lod_name value is lod4MultiSurface,there has more error,how should i set the CityGMLGeometrySetter transformer?

1 reply

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FME definitely supports writing to CityGML ADE's, but depending on the ADE, figuring out the right geometry configuration and traits can be a bit tricky. The error log as you noticed can be quite helpfuI, so if it asks for lod4Multisurface than I would use a GeometryPropertySetter or CityGMLGeometrySetter transformer to set that.

For more info on working with ADEs, I would recommend taking a look at this webinar and workspaces, which have some good examples:

These citygml resources are also worth review if you haven't seen them recently:

IFC to CityGML:


Typically you do need to set the right geometry name and citygml_lod_name using a CityGMLGeometrySetter custom transformer or GeometryPropertySetter. Sometimes the option you need is not available in the CityGMLGeometrySetter so you need to use the latter. Figuring out exactly what is required depends on the ADE, so if you need help with a specific ADE please attach the .xsd and uml if available here or send it to and I can take a look.
