
Connect to SQL Server 2000 (!)

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Hi, got a question from a client yesterday who wants (with FME2018.1) to connect to a SQL Server 2000 database (no the question is not from a museum: ).

FME returns a Fetching Feature Types Error, "... SQL Server Native Client 11.0 does not support connections to SQL Server 2000 or earlier versions".

Any ideas the minimum hazzle to get around here? Just to install the SQL Server native client 9.00 and problem solved? I do not have an environment for testing this myself :/ cheers

3 replies

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Hi @palhermans,

It looks like we haven't supported connecting to a 2000 MSSQL database since about FME 2013 - around the same time Microsoft stopped supporting SQL Server 2000, as per:

Additionally, according to our Microsoft SQL Server documentation, the oldest version of SQL Server that is supported is 2005 with the 2008/2012 Native Client so I'm not sure if there is a way to connect without a previous version of FME (2013 or older).


The ancient jTDS JDBC driver apparently supports SQL Server 2000. Using that with the JDBC Reader/Writer ("generic", not the SQL Server one) in FME might work.

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Thanks for commenting @chrisatsafe and @ravenkopelman, much appreciated :) In my searches for a solution JDBC was my first thought - but a parallel install of FME2013 is very/more tempting.
