
Failed to open FME feature store file

  • 18 October 2017
  • 4 replies



I've a very funny error. I've never had it before.


I created a new workspace and translate some data into an MAPINFO-Output. But I get this message in the log:


ERROR |Destination Feature Type Routing Correlator(RoutingFactory): Failed to open FME feature store file `' for write -- ensure that the folder exists




INFORM|Feature output statistics for `FFS' writer using keyword `W_2':


STATS |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-


STATS | Features Written


STATS |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-


STATS |==============================================================================


STATS |Total Features Written 0


STATS |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-


STATS |Stored 0 feature(s) to FME feature store file `'


ERROR |Failed to open FME feature store file `' for write -- ensure that the folder exists

Then I removed the Writer and tried it to write into an ESRI-Shapefile but I get the same error.

What's wrong in my workspace?

Many thanks for your support and help.

4 replies

If I define an FFS_Dataset and give there a path and a filename (c:\\temp\\test.ffs) the workspace run perfect, but all Data are written to this ffs-file. I don't want an ffs-File, I will write to MAPINFO-Tab's.


I haven't set a Writer Redirect, so that can't be the problem.




Badge +6

Hi @michaels,

One thing that might be worth checking is to see if 'Redirect to Data Inspector' is turned on. This is found by going to Writers --> Redirect to Data Inspector. If this is enabled, please disable it and try running again.


Thanks for your answer. But I haven't turned on the 'Redirect to Data Inspector'. Any other ideas?

Badge +5

I came across the same error. I solved it by copying my entire workspace into a new workbench, except for the writers. I then just re-created the writers and it worked.

In my case this probably happened because I had to convert back a 2018 workspace into a 2017 workspace.
