
GML Write for INSPIRE ExistingLandUseGrid Element

  • 10 May 2019
  • 1 reply


ich would like to write an gml Class "ExistingLandUseGrid" Object from the INSPIRE Specs

Wenn adding a INSPIRE GML writer by pointing to the cooresponding GriddedExistingLandUse.xsd, the writer does not offer a featuretype "ExistingLandUseGrid" which is what i would expect. The only featuretype in the GML writer is "SpatialDataSet".

Are there any options for the writer to enable writing a featuretype "ExistingLandUseGrid"? Or an example of a working script?




1 reply

Badge +10

For what I figured:

  1. Add the INSPIRE GML writer to the workspace, with ‘none (Advanced)’ feature type:
    1. With Select Feature Types ‘by Themes’
    2. Select the INSPIRE theme you want to write
  2. Import Writer Feature type, Clear the Dataset name
    1. From Parameters, ensure the INSPIRE thema still is selected
    2. De-select all other themes, even the SpatialDataSet
  3. In the Navigator pane, 
    1. Set “Guess Geometry Name” to Yes
    2. Under Advanced, set Feature Collection to “SpatialDataset”

Be sure to fill all attributes with values cf. INSPIRE gml schemas.

See attached (very simple) workspace using the FME Parks dataset.


