
HTTP 503 Service Unavailable scheduled backupConfiguration.fmw

  • 31 May 2017
  • 1 reply


We run SSL and use a CNAME of

FME Server 2017.0 is throwing:

HTTPCaller(HTTPFactory): Received HTTP response header: 'HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable' from ''

Terminator(TestFactory): Terminator: Termination Message: 'Unable to retrieve backup from FME Server `'. Please ensure that the credential are correct and that user `fmeadmin' has fmesuperuser role. The error was: HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable -'

fmeadmin is in the fmesuperuser role and I have changed all hosts to use https and the CNAME above.

The schedules>Backup Configuration form does keep reverting the password to 3 characters (which it isn't). If I paste into a browser it takes me to the FME Rest Service web UI and if I enter the fmeadmin token I do get a ServerConfigPackage.fsconfig download.

1 reply

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Hi @richardtriesfme


Did you have any luck with this?



The 3 characters with the password is OK, I believe it does this in multiple places throughout the web ui, to hide how many characters are in the password.



I did test the backup configuration on one of our servers that does have SSL enabled, and it calls the configuration/migration/export service with a url with HTTPS, not HTTP. In the log you've copied above, it looks like the service is trying to call the url with HTTP, whereas if you've configured your FME Server for SSL I would have expected it to have HTTPS.


Do you know whether SSL has been correctly configured on your machine?

