
Data created in AutoCAD 3d using snapping is no longer coincident when imported into geodatabase. How can I maintain this coincidence exporting to a file geodatabase?

  • 9 November 2017
  • 3 replies
  • 1 view

3 replies

To clarify, this would be 3d CAD data importing into 3d GIS file geodatabase.



Userlevel 5
Badge +30

Hi @jaxelrod,

Could you share us the screen your Workspace?



Userlevel 4
Badge +13
If you could attach a sample AutoCAD 3d file and workspace that exhibit the problem that would be helpful. It must be that the inputs are not actually coincident but are being drawn that way. Examining the input file in the FME Data Inspector and looking at the exact floating point values of the X/Y in question should provide that.



If that ends up being true, then using a Snapper transformer with a very very tiny tolerance should bring those points together numerically.


