
Directory and File Pathnames to Isolate Folders

  • 30 August 2019
  • 4 replies

Anybody have any success copying over a select group of folders using the Directory and File Pathnames to a filecopy transformer? I currently have it set up the same as described in

where it successfully copies ALL the folders. (path filter is currently set to *) But I would like to set a regex in the Path Filter to only grab the folders I want.


I have 9 folders with sporadic numbering/naming and only want folders 01,02,03 & 09.

01 – test

02 – test

03 – test group1

04 – test group2

05 – test

11 - test

12 - test

17 - test

09 - test

I tried

01 - test\\n02 - test\\n . . . but I can't seem to skip to the 09 folder?

Any thoughts


4 replies

Badge +22

The readers all use glob patterns as filters, not regex.



You are better off doing something like 0* in the reader, and then a tester to keep only the ones you want, and then your fileCopy writer.
Badge +22

The readers all use glob patterns as filters, not regex.



You are better off doing something like 0* in the reader, and then a tester to keep only the ones you want, and then your fileCopy writer.

For an overview of glob see

The readers all use glob patterns as filters, not regex.



You are better off doing something like 0* in the reader, and then a tester to keep only the ones you want, and then your fileCopy writer.

Thanks JDH, worked great, is there anyway to convert the status to read-only while doing the transfer?

Badge +22

Thanks JDH, worked great, is there anyway to convert the status to read-only while doing the transfer?

Not that I am aware of with the FileCopy Writer. If you use a FeatureWriter (set to FileCopy) you can use the summary port to trigger a SystemCaller to use a command line to make them read-only after the transfer.


In windows that would be: attrib +R "path to folder"\\* /s /d
