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This is more format than FME related but I want to make sure that FME is not the cause of a problem I have with reading a geopackage.

I created a workspace that downloads a geopackage from an API and reads it with a FeatureReader for further processing. The geopackage contains a point, a line and a polygon layer but for some reason all 3 layers have the geopackage_type "geopackage_linestring" and fme_geometry "fme_line" in the format attributes (example in the attachment).

I created a separate Geopackage with the same geometry types in QGIS and here FME returns the correct types so I'm guessing the geopackage from the API has some SQLite metadata that is not defined correctly. I already checked the metadata in QGIS but here the layer informations show the correct types for each geometry.

What or where could be the cause of this problem?

Hi @ax_pflegpeter​,

I have escalated this problem to a Support Case, and will be contacting you by email.
