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Hello, is there any way how to write compound polygon (lines + arcs) to Oracle with FME? When i try to write this kind of geometry i always get "ORA-13347 Description:the coordinates defining an arc are not distinct". But arcs seems fine to me (no redundant points, distance between them is larger than oracle tolerance).   FME 2013 (Build 13261 - WIN64) WIN 7 64bit Oracle 11gR2   Thanks for any advice, David





could you send such a feature to the Logger and post it here so we can take a look?



If the arcs aren't too important to you, consider using the ArcStroker to make your life easier.





unfortunately it is important to retain arcs.


Log FFS is placed here:, thank you for help.










How about inspecting the features through the GeometryValidator transformer?






I think Takashi might be on to something as I ran your FFS through the GeometryValidator and caught 2 self intersections, one of them on the polygon with two boundary arcs.



Let us know if it still doesn't work.



The problem is with the top 2 polygons, both of which contain a tiny arc. These 2 tiny arcs have a start and end point which is pretty much the same, and I'm not sure Oracle will be able to make a distinction between them. I'd try to get rid of them if I were you.
Thanks Kim, I overlooked this. I will try to solve this issue tomorrow in work.


Best regards David
You could also try lowering the tolerance value in user_sdo_geom_metadata, but I'm pretty sure such tiny arcs have no meaning and could be left out/removed.
Sorry for late response, i was busy. I have solved this issue by removing small arcs from polygons (thanks Kim). But, I had to do it using AutoCAD Map 3D (mapclean command). Is there any solution to do this with FME?. I tried to use GeometryValidator, but without succes (small arcs are still there). 



