
Writing CityGML with custom (!) ADE

  • 21 January 2013
  • 4 replies

Hi there,



I'm definitely not new to FME, but I am new to this community, so hi there!


I have a question concerning CityGML.



I'm trying to convert data from an Oracle Spatial database to the CityGML format. I followed an example from FMEpedia which I modified for my own purposes. Now everything works quite well, as long as it is 'by the book'.


However, I need to write some extra attributes that are part of a custom Application Domain Extension (ADE). 


I have a valid XSD that defines the extension attributes, but what should I do next?


How can I ensure that FME exposes the custom ADE attributes in the CityGML writer, so I can map my Oracle data to it? 



I have been playing around with the writer settings (as described in but until now without any success.


I would be happy to hear from someone who can give me a hint in the right direction! :)

4 replies

Badge +5
From my attempts with the CityGML writer, combined with an ADE, I would suggest you create an example output file which has the complete XML exactly as you want it. You could use this to to create correct feature types on the writer (Writer -> Import feature types). After that it's just a matter of finding the correct mapping from Oracle attributes to CityGML attributes. Hope this helps.
Thank you Kim (Dutch as well, I see :)), I will try this out!
No, it's not IMGeo-CityGML. But thanks for the tip anyway - I'll switch to 2013 soon.

Hello there!

I am working on the same thing now. And similarly - no success. I can find the attributes I need in AttributeCreator (e.g. energy_construction{0}.xlink_href or energy_eaves_height{0}.units) as I connected a file that contains them, but it doesnt write it correctly. In the first case (energy_construction{0}.xlink_href) construction is a relationship with no actual xlink, but it makes on in the output. And in the second case (energy_eaves_height{0}.units) the value i give is not writen as a value, but as unit of measurement (result: <energy:eavesHeight uom="231"/>)

If you figured it out I would be happy if you could share! Thanks!
