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I have a simple workspace. I read a xml service, use datetime converter then write DB. It works perfectly in FME Dekstop but when I publish and schecule job to FME server I got error below.

DateTimeConverter_Rejector (TestFactory): The clause 'TEST @Value(fme_rejection_code) != FEATURE_TABLE_SHIM_SUPPORT Yes' within 'FACTORY_DEF * TestFactory FACTORY_NAME DateTimeConverter_Rejector INPUT FEATURE_TYPE ___TOREJECTOR___ TEST @Value(fme_rejection_code) != FEATURE_TABLE_SHIM_SUPPORT Yes OUTPUT PASSED FEATURE_TYPE DateTimeConverter_<REJECTED> @RemoveAttributes(___fme_rejection_code___) OUTPUT FAILED FEATURE_TYPE DateTimeConverter_OUTPUT @RenameAttributes(FME_STRICT,fme_rejection_code,___fme_rejection_code___)' is incorrect. TEST must look like: TEST <value> <operator> <value> [encoded]

I can not find how to configure test parameters of datetimeConverter or solve this issue.

I look into comminity and knowledge sections of safe and on the internet but I can not find a solution. I hope someone here here can help me about that.

FME Dekstop Version: FME Professional Edition (node locked-crc) FME(R) 2019.2.2.0 (20200103 - Build 9817 - WIN64)

FME Server Version: FME Server 2019.0.2- Build 19260 - win64

Thank you in advance

Your FME Server has an older version.

Some transformers get updated during the year.

In general FME Desktop can not be newer than FME Server for publishing workspaces as transformers can have changed.

Looks like the DateTimeConverter changed between build 19260 (server) and 19817 (desktop) and that is causing the issue.
