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I have tried several parameters with the "Landsat-8 on AWS" reader, but every time, it returns nothing. I have included on screenshot of the reader. Would you have any idea why it doesn't work?


Thanks!Screen Shot 2022-06-01 at 3.15.52 AM

What version are you using? The config window on 2021.1 is different to what you've posted. In saying that, its not working for me either - even with envelope set instead of WRS

Hi all, unfortunately the AWS bucket that we were pinging to retrieve the landsat-8 data has been deprecated. We used to use Landsat Collection 1 data, but this is no longer support and has been replaced by Collection 2. The Landsat data distributor, USGS, has moved the data to a new requestor-pays bucket. What this means is that users will only be able to access the data with valid Amazon credentials. We are looking to make changes to point towards the new bucket and allow users to specify a web connection containing their Amazon credentials.


We'll notify everyone here once a fix has been released in a new release of FME. Thanks again for your patience.
