
When I specify a value of Feature Collection in AIXM5 writer, no features are written

  • 22 December 2017
  • 3 replies


When I specify message:AIXMBasicMessage in the Feature Collection parameter in the AIXM5 writer, none of my features get written. All the features in the xml now appear as:

<!-- orphaned feature - parent id:'uniqueid', id:'INS5', type:'InformationService' -->

Using FME 2016.1.3.1 WIN32

3 replies

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Hi @sean,

Here in Knowledge Center has so many questions that it be useful for you.

AIXM geometry

@DeanAtSafe wrote a interesting document

AIXM 4.5 and 5.1 Reading, Writing and Validation - EU Airports




So the parameters in his example are different than what I am seeing on my workbench even though they are both AIXM5 writers. I am just reading AIXM5 and writing AIXM with no transformers. Using it to "thin" large files. Ill see about adding the AIXMBasicMessage feature type like the example that @DeanAtSafe has.

Badge +6

When I add an AIXM5 writer to FME 2016.1.3 I get a default version = "". and the value of FeatureCollection is blank. In general, when writing GML in application schema mode it is best to make sure you have the correct application schema referenced - in this case the default version, and then everything else is handled by the writer by what you write to the destination feature types. This is particularly true for the specific GML profile reader/writers such as AIXM and INSPIRE which have the app schemas included with FME. You shouldnt have to set or change any of the advanced parameters. Changing the FeatureCollection or dataset root element name in this case causes all your features to be orphaned and so they are not written correctly. Most of these advanced GML writer parameters are meant to be used when generating FME GML and not for use with app schema mode.

If you are editing an older workspace you may need to delete and re-add the AIXM5 writer. If there are any values that need to be set on the root element then the best approach is to import the AIXMBasicMessage feature type as shown in the example AIXM 4.5 and 5.1 Reading, Writing and Validation - EU Airports that Danilo mentioned and then feed a single record to it - in this case created by an Aggregator.

Is there a reason why you are specifying message:AIXMBasicMessage? If its because there are additional dataset properties you are trying to set, you may need to upgrade to FME 2017 to have access to the latest schemas for AIXM 5.1.1 ""
