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I have a file geodatabase that i need to update weekly with a CAD file. How i can set up the update on the file geodatabase? I am using Esri Geodatabase (File Geodb ArcObjects)



Thank you, 






look at this article:



The principle for updating is the same as for deleting.



You can also consider using the DatabaseUpdater ( It does the same thing, but with a different GUI, and might be a bit more intuitive.





Hi David,



I am using the  SQL Statement To Execute Before Trasnlation. 



delete  from ROOMS


where BLDGFL=$(EnterBLDGFL)



$(EnterBLDGFL) = variable enter by the user.



I get this error. Error executing SQL: 'The table was not found.' 



The table is there. I switch from file GDB to Personal GBD. 



look at the first link I posted, that works fine for File Geodatabases. Set the writer in DELETE mode and set the table primary key (probably BLDGFL in your case) in the output feature type.






regarding the SQL statement: for a Personal GDB you must use MS Access syntax. That sometimes means you'll have to put square brackets around your table and/or field names, e.g.



delete from rROOMS] where eBLDGFL]='$(EnterBLDGFL)'



Notice how you'll have to put single quotation marks if BLDGFL is a character field.



