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Hello , i got textured CityGML files and converted them to .b3dm format using FME.But when i visualize them on Cesium , its becoming amazingly slow.I dropped quality of textures and gzipped them but still same problem occuring.

Here is link for CityGML files:

And for converted 3DTiles

I would be so appreciated if you can solve my problem.

I think the problem might be about this.Theres no problem at output without textures , but when i do conversion with textures this happens.

Hi @demircioglu2k,

The CityGML dataset included over 11000 texture images. It is likely the large number of images, rather than their size, that is causing the slowdown in the Cesium rendering.

You may be able to speed up the rendering by replacing the individual roof and wall textures with a couple of generic roof and wall textures. The buildings in this area seem to have quite similar appearances, so you wouldn't lose a lot of realism with the generic textures.

You can check this blog post about this problem

You can check this blog post about this problem

Lots of good info in there. I think the texture atlassing would be the most helpful in your case.


