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Why does TextPropertyExtractor expose no Attributes?

in 2015 you don't need a AttributeExposer !!! Why can't TextPropertyExtractor write Attributes???

in 2015 you don't need a AttributeExposer !!! Why can't TextPropertyExtractor write Attributes???

You are right. The TextPropertyExtractor in FME 2016 will not expose specified attribute names. I think it's a kind of bug.

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I've reproduced the issue with the TextPropertyExtractor and I've filed a problem report with our developers (PR67980). Thanks again.

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I've reproduced the issue with the TextPropertyExtractor and I've filed a problem report with our developers (PR67980). Thanks again.

@mgis2 @takashi The team looked into it and it turns out a typo crept into the transformer definition. We'll roll the fix into the next public build of FME 2016.0, but in the meantime, you can easily make the fix yourself if this helps you. Just find your "fmesuite.fmx" file in your install directory "transformers" subdirectory, and use your favorite text editor on it. Search for "OUPUT". Yep. "OUPUT". It is on a line like:


You guessed it. Change it to "OUTPUT". Save, and restart workbench. Be sure you didn't leave any backup files in the transformers dir though. But you should be back in business.

@mgis2 I’m pleased to let you know that a recent update to FME has resolved the issues with the TextPropertyExtractor. You will find the update in our latest FME 2016 beta available at
