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Hi Guys,



I'm loading data from the Swiss interlis 1 reader (ili2fme) into Oracle Spatial Relational.



All run fine but the oracle geometry is not created. Instead of this I have a my_table_sdgeom table created and inside a lot of columns and coordinates(sdo_X..).



I'm a bit confuse because I would have expected the Oracle Spatial Relational writer to  to create a sdo_geometry column.



How can I create this sdo_geometry column?






that is correct, the Oracle Spatial Relational model puts geometries in a second table linked to the attribute table by a foreign key. This storage model was deprecated starting with Oracle 9i release 2.



If you want to store both the attributes and the geometries in the same table, use the Oracle Spatial Object writer instead. This is the storage model currently recommended by Oracle. See here for more info.



Also, here is some more info from the Oracle Spatial FAQ:



Thanks a lot David for your quick answer!





