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When playing around with FME 2017 today on a new project, we noticed that attaching an sde writer to a workflow dramatically slows down the reader. Has anyone else noticed this issue occur? Worth noting is that we aren't using versioning or transactions (transaction type = 'none') and the only reason we are using the GEODATABASE_SDE writer is because we need to write esri's ST geometry.

Writing to Inspector: FME Session Duration: 16.5 seconds. (CPU: 11.1s user, 1.6s system)

Writing to SDE: FME Session Duration: 2 minutes 6.0 seconds. (CPU: 51.0s user, 2.5s system)

Since Oracle writers work fast and all we need is the esri ST geometry type, we were thinking about trying to hack together a solution where we could trick FME into writing the point geometry out in the expected format ie: SDE.ST_GEOMETRY(1,1,-10106993.68204,5190612.4770125,-10106993.68204,5190612.4770125,0,0,NULL,NULL,0,0,300041,(BLOB))

Hello @runneals,



I was able to reproduce your results and have filed a PR on your behalf. PR81964 related to the ArcSDE Geodb writing performance issue that you have found. I will update this posting with any updates/fixes as I hear from development.



In the meantime, you may be able to use the ArcSDE Legacy writer. I believe it has superior performance, but it does lack some of the advanced functionality that the primary writer offers. You can see the differences between the two in this article:
