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I have a large number of dto's created within Mercator which I can not read through the MCF Reader. I get the following error message


Error - Invalid data in file 'dto_test_notworking_t.dto'

Closing input file 'dto_test_notworking_t.dto'

MCF_READER_PIPELINE::f_1(SortFactory): Done sorting 0 feature(s)

Error - No bounding box coming out of the pipeline

A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details

Failed to specify the feature index as constraints on the reader


I also have a dto file that will read through the MCF Reader. I have tried to compare the structure of both files but the file produced in mercator seems significantly different to the one that will read through the Mercator MCF Reader.


Does anyone have experience with this data type and can identify what is wrong with my data ? Sample attached.






Hi @ciarab The error seems to have something to do with the bounding box. Please file a case via Thanks!

Hi @ciarab The error seems to have something to do with the bounding box. Please file a case via Thanks!

Thanks @DanAtSafe I have opened a case through our reseller
