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I was looking for the way to resolve geodatabase domains from a reader.

It took me a while to find this post

For me, Updating feature type solved the problem but I'd wish FME would give the user hint that he needs to do this feature type update.

Here's the thing in more words :

When you add a gdb feature class or table which has fields with domains, if you don't check the option "Resolve domains", the table is added with the codes, and that's all and that's normal.

But then if you want the domains and in the parameters you check "Resolve domains", then you need to Update feature type to get the _resolved fields.

I think the user should at least be getting a warning that he needs to Update feature type.



For me the "Update Feature Type" thing never felt intuitive. How the FeatureReader works does align better how my mind works. (One central point of source instead of different blocks for different featureclasses / layers etc, with multiple source gdb's this can quickly get confusing. Easy adding or removing layers / featureclasses to read with a checkbox. Chain readers together, first scan a directory for files, if you find anything than use that found path to read the file. I really love this one.)

I think you should give it a try. You can initiate a FeatureReader with a Creator transformer.
