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Hi all,

I have a workspace that uses a FeatureReader to pull data from a WFS. This works perfectly well in FME 2015.1 32-bit (build 15575). However, in FME 2016.1 32-bit (build 16609), the same FeatureReader fails with the following message:

2017-02-24 11:32:16|   3.3|  0.0|ERROR |<ows:ExceptionReport xmlns:xs="" xmlns:ows="" xmlns:xsi="" version="2.0.0=" xsi:schemaLocation="">
  <ows:Exception exceptionCode="NoApplicableCode=">
    <ows:ExceptionText>org.eclipse.emf.common.util.BasicEList$BasicIndexOutOfBoundsException: index=0, size=0
index=0, size=0</ows:ExceptionText>
2017-02-24 11:32:16|   3.3|  0.0|ERROR |Received error report: ExceptionReport
2017-02-24 11:32:16|   3.3|  0.0|ERROR |The XML Module halted on error, see the logfile for details
2017-02-24 11:32:16|   3.3|  0.0|ERROR |A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details

I'm not sure why this happens. I've tried upgrading the transformer to the latest version, and tried tinkering with the transformer's settings a bit, but without success. Any ideas are appreciated!

Hi ngoorman,

to me it looks like the Error message says that the WFS has problems processing your request. So FME that receives no data that it can read.

You could try a couple of things:

Can you access the same WFS using the WFS reader?

Can you access the WFS using your web browser?

You say it was working in 2015. Does it still work or did you test it a while ago and the service changed since then? To me it looks more like an issue with the WFS.





Hi ngoorman,

to me it looks like the Error message says that the WFS has problems processing your request. So FME that receives no data that it can read.

You could try a couple of things:

Can you access the same WFS using the WFS reader?

Can you access the WFS using your web browser?

You say it was working in 2015. Does it still work or did you test it a while ago and the service changed since then? To me it looks more like an issue with the WFS.





Hi Soren,



Thank you for your reply. I tested both versions of FME today, and it works in 2015 and not in 2016. If I take the request URL generated by the workspace and put it in my browser, I can see the data I need. The WFS itself is working perfectly.



Using the WFS Reader I can read features from the WFS in FME 2016. I think it's an issue with how the feature reader passes on the URL to the WFS compared to the 2015 version, something like that.



Hi Soren,



Thank you for your reply. I tested both versions of FME today, and it works in 2015 and not in 2016. If I take the request URL generated by the workspace and put it in my browser, I can see the data I need. The WFS itself is working perfectly. 



Using the WFS Reader I can read features from the WFS in FME 2016. I think it's an issue with how the feature reader passes on the URL to the WFS compared to the 2015 version, something like that.



Solved it! I cut down the request URL to only the base WFS url and the bbox, and that worked. Took out the following arguments:


Not sure what caused it exactly but it still seems to work perfectly. Thanks for the help!


Note that you do need to be careful about including extra parameters in the WFS request URL since these will override anything set in the WFS reader settings. In this case it might have been something as simple as a namespace change (kadastralekaartv2?). For more info on trouble shooting WFS connections see:
