
Reading an XLSX and using a WHERE clause

  • 3 October 2012
  • 3 replies

Badge +14



I'm attempting to issue a WHERE clause on reading an Excel file... but the source worksheet has column names that include spaces. So I can get this to work:



Test_me = 'Dave'



but this doesn't:



Test me = 'Dave'



and it returns a provider error:



Provider error `(-2147217900) Syntax error in GROUP BY clause.



I'm assuming its the space that is causing the issue, does anyone know of a work around, short of ensuring the source data has underscores instead?




3 replies

Badge +14
Ace thanks, I should have tried that really!
Badge +2
Just a hint that double quotes work wonders when using FME and programming in general. Spaces are an evil to programming.



Death to spaces!
Badge +21

Most of the "empty space" issues is solved in FME2019 it seems, so thats good @1spatialdave !
