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FME(R) 2020.2.0.0 (20201027 - Build 20787 - WIN64)




Whilst troubleshooting an automated workflow, I realised that FME was actually reading the Zipped file using the wrong format.

It happens when I drag and drop the zip file. (I, unfortunately, cannot share the files.)


I tried a different approach, which was to unzip the files then re-compress them again in case it was a "corrupt" archive, but same result.





hi @sameer​ 

During drag and drop FME tries to find best guess to try to add a reader automatically.

Since the input files are Zip, so I would not expect this to work, as default extension for Shape files are *.shp

Can you simple change the reader to Esri Shapefile and read the data? and you have drag the file

Or Add the reader (Esri Shapefile), click on ... , from file filter select Archive Files or All flies and browse to your zip folder See below

hi @sameer​ 

During drag and drop FME tries to find best guess to try to add a reader automatically.

Since the input files are Zip, so I would not expect this to work, as default extension for Shape files are *.shp

Can you simple change the reader to Esri Shapefile and read the data? and you have drag the file

Or Add the reader (Esri Shapefile), click on ... , from file filter select Archive Files or All flies and browse to your zip folder See below

Hi @rahulsharma​ 


I can read the archived SHP files the normal route.

I was just trying to understand why my server app was failing when the user was uploading the compressed ESRI attachment as it worked before. I'll blame myself here for not being specific.


Case 1:

I have several published workspaces and ESRI Zip input set to $FME_DATA_RESOURCES...

So if you upload the zip archive onto the DATA directory the translation is successful. I think that's because the reader is explicitly set.


Case 2:

When using the workspace as an FME Server app, the user would just drag an drop the Zip attachment (ESRI archive) from the e-mail onto the FME web interface and the translation works as expected.


However on this particular case it's failing (Drag'n'Drop from Attachment to Web Interface) and no errors produced when the workspace runs as an App. It just states that zero features were written in the log.


During troubleshooting, I just, without thinking, did what I've described in my initial post hence this question.


It looks like I'll need to dig deeper...

