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Im trying to open a CSW file, but it doesnt seem to be georeferenced correctly.


It also comes with a mapinfo .tab file containing the referenced gpc points. It views fine in mapinfo.



But opening the ECW in FME inspector/workbench show the coordinates as column/row and not my coordinate system, even though its set and I choosed to apply GCPs on reader properties.



Using the RasterGCPExtractor give the following, which look good.


877 4705 93564.351 6224685.68 0;1633 4938 95497.304 6224058.249 0;3085 4617 99250.548 6224831.501 0;5541 1594 105637.368 6232546.944 0;5426 4554 105260.034 6224927.972 0;6210 4883 107279.391 6224071.996 0;5704 6159 105934.53 6220807.966 0;7168 7610 109679.126 6217034.355 0;8234 9617 112387.978 6211868.788 0;7190 11488 109633.351 6207098.583 0;7490 12392 110406.882 6204782.222 0;6614 12247 108151.826 6205172.54 0;6195 11625 107079.892 6206767.879 0

I also tried manually setting the corners with RasterGCPSetter without any success, it stays at the pixel-coordinates.

Any idea whats going wrong?

Have you tried to remove/rename the CSW file and only keep the ECW+TAB in the same folder? FME should read the TAB-file.
Also you can try to create a boundingbox of the TAB-file and see if it gets placed correctly. If possible, can you upload the CSW and TAB-file to this forum?
