We have a GeoMedia Access Warehouse with about 170 tables in it. When we try to add a reader to this warehouse, we got an error-message:
GeoMedia Reader: Reading from GeoMedia Access Warehouse version 5 or better
Database error: '#Microsoft]oODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Too few parameters. Expected 1.'
SQL is: ' SELECT "csguid","basestoragetype","geodeticdatum","ellipsoid","projalgorithm","zone","falsex","falsey","latoforigin","lonoforigin","hemisphere","latoftruescale","scalereductfact","standpar1","standpar2","stor2compmatrix1","stor2compmatrix6","stor2compmatrix13","stor2compmatrix14","stor2compmatrix15","azimuthangle" FROM "GCoordSystem"'
Successfully closed GeoMedia Access Warehouse reader
Adding readers to Warehouses with less tables works fine.
Are there too many tables in the warehouse?
Thanks in advance