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Can you use a Case Changer on an unexploded list.


So all values within that list are put to the same case so it makes it easier for ListSearcher queries to work (or can I do something in the ListSearcher to make this happen)




5 replies

Userlevel 3
Badge +17



The ListSearcher seems not to have case insensitive option.


A workaround I can think of is:


1) Concatenate the list using the ListConcatenator.


2) Change case of the concatenated string using the StringCaseChanger.


3) Transform the concatenated string into a list using the AttributeSplitter.


4) Then, apply the ListSearcher.



Alternatively, a Python or Tcl script could be an effective solution for searching a matched list element in the condition of case insensitive.



Badge +3
ListSearcher regular expression is strangely limited. It does not accept a lot of switches. One of those is the nocase switch. Alas.



The switches do work if u use listsearcher tcl in a attributecreator or expressionevaluator


[regexp -nocase -all -inline {@Value(expression ()) } @Value(Attribute)]  or something like that.
Userlevel 3
Badge +17
For example, the TclCaller with this script extracts first matched element and index in the list with "_pattern" in case-insensitive manner.




proc searchList {} {


   set values {}


   for {set i 0} {[FME_AttributeExists "_list{$i}"]} {incr i} {


       lappend values [FME_GetAttribute "_list{$i}"]




   set index [lsearch -exact -nocase $values [FME_GetAttribute "_pattern"]]


   if {0 <= $index} {


       FME_SetAttribute "_first_matched_element" [lindex $values $index]




   return $index




Badge +3
mailto do i prevent this postingsystem doing that?
Userlevel 3
Badge +17
Gio, try use "Add a code smple". I've never used it...


