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Im having trouble producing a 3D mesh from my point cloud (.las). I'm using the PointCloudSurfaceBuilder which seems to be just what I'm looking for, but the process halts after some warnings in the translation logg.

"PointCloudManipulatorFactory: Converting 'x' from type 'Real64' to 'Real32'. If this conversion is undesired, consider changing the type explicitly." (seen below)

This line is said for x,y,z and a similar line for "color_xxx" and is undesired.



The PointCloudCoercer > Output Geometry: Singel multipoint makes these warnings go away, but instead redirects the process into "Rejected".

Does anyone know how to proceed with this?



Any clues is much appreciated!!


Hi! How many points are you trying to send it? Try a PointCloudThinner with for instance 100 000 points before the PointCloudSurfaceBuilder and see if that runs through

Hi! How many points are you trying to send it? Try a PointCloudThinner with for instance 100 000 points before the PointCloudSurfaceBuilder and see if that runs through

My man, I'm so happy. I've tried thinning it out, by alot, but it seems not enough.



Thank you so much for the clarification!
