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Im wondering if anyone can help me with the issue i am experiencing. Im attempting to output the published parameters used in a workbench to either a text file or json file, in addition to my shapefile writer. I have tried adding in a feature writer but when i run the workbench although my shapefile data is transformed as expected, the textfile which I want to contain my published parameters also includes all of the attributes which I do not need in the text file.

Perhaps I have missed something extremely obvious or I need to approach another way?

Many thanks

If all you want is the published parameters, then you don't need to link from your data. You can have a separate stream that is Creator ->AttributeCreator|JSONTemplator->FeatureWriter

If all you want is the published parameters, then you don't need to link from your data. You can have a separate stream that is Creator ->AttributeCreator|JSONTemplator->FeatureWriter

Many thanks 'jdh' for the suggestion, thats works far better than what I was attempting, I have now been able to output parameters as required
