
New Search Coming Soon to the Knowledge Center


This is just a quick note to inform you that we will be releasing a new search tool for the Knowledge Center in the next 1-2 weeks.

Built on the Coveo platform, this tool includes a machine learning component and will auto-tune results and rankings over time to ensure users are receiving the most relevant results based on queries and clicks. We will also be adding more sources in the near future and have plans to roll this out across our other websites in time.A preview is available now at and we’re looking forward to seeing some real world data in the system. When we officially release, the search will be integrated into the main search field across the Knowledge Center, but for now we’d appreciate it if you could click over and give it a try.

5 replies

Badge +6
This is really good news. I have always hoped to be able to search for topics according to Questions, Articles, Ideas, Documentation.


The new search page not only realizes these, but also the classification of Videos, BlogPosts, is really great.


Userlevel 5
Great news, thanks for keeping us in the loop!


(For some reason I first read that it would be based on the Covfefe platform...)


Userlevel 5
Badge +30
Hi @jameygillis



I tested this link and its is so fast and clean. Good Job and excited to check and work with the official version.



Badge +10
Thanks for sharing! Search is really quick, love it.



I also really love that both FME Hub and date relevance are added. This makes it easier to find matching information on all parts of FME. Perhaps it is also possible to add the FME version as a standard filter option?



Userlevel 5

The new search is really great and super fast, but does it support transformer aliases?

Let's say someone posts something about the CenterLineReplacer, and sometime later someone searches for the CentreLineReplacer.

I'm asking since this just happened to me...
