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I am working with many autocad files and trying to extract data from paper space objects. The objects i am trying to extract are mtext object (of type autocad_multi_text) I am trying to match up objects that start with a specific string to objects just below them. to do this i want to use the autocad alignment_x and y

coordinates. I have enabled the feature type format attributes

needed and do see many of the attributes populated in the visual preview.

but not the ones i need. I can get the coordinates using a coordinate extractor but those are the lower left and will not help me select the adjacent below text that i need.


Hi @kidsmake6until2,

MText entities do not have autocad_alignment_x, y, z values, but instead have autocad_box_height and autocad_box_width, which give the dimensions of the MText box. The attribute autocad_attach_point defines the location of the FME text point to box (ie. autocad_middle_center means the box is centered around the text location).

If you set the DWG reader parameter 'Explode MText Entities' to Yes, the MText will be exploded into a separate text feature for each line. These features will have the autocad_alignment_x, y, z values. This might be the most useful option for you.

Hi @kidsmake6until2,

MText entities do not have autocad_alignment_x, y, z values, but instead have autocad_box_height and autocad_box_width, which give the dimensions of the MText box. The attribute autocad_attach_point defines the location of the FME text point to box (ie. autocad_middle_center means the box is centered around the text location).

If you set the DWG reader parameter 'Explode MText Entities' to Yes, the MText will be exploded into a separate text feature for each line. These features will have the autocad_alignment_x, y, z values. This might be the most useful option for you.

when looking at the fme feature information (and selecting the IFMEPoint) it shows the lower left of the text as the text location point. Also Why? when it is left as mtext (not exploding which i really need to not explode), the mtext string is populated, and also the autocad text string is populated. Why cant the alignment_x be populated/exposed?

Hi @kidsmake6until2,

MText entities do not have autocad_alignment_x, y, z values, but instead have autocad_box_height and autocad_box_width, which give the dimensions of the MText box. The attribute autocad_attach_point defines the location of the FME text point to box (ie. autocad_middle_center means the box is centered around the text location).

If you set the DWG reader parameter 'Explode MText Entities' to Yes, the MText will be exploded into a separate text feature for each line. These features will have the autocad_alignment_x, y, z values. This might be the most useful option for you.

there is nothing i can expose to get this middle center

Hi @kidsmake6until2,

MText entities do not have autocad_alignment_x, y, z values, but instead have autocad_box_height and autocad_box_width, which give the dimensions of the MText box. The attribute autocad_attach_point defines the location of the FME text point to box (ie. autocad_middle_center means the box is centered around the text location).

If you set the DWG reader parameter 'Explode MText Entities' to Yes, the MText will be exploded into a separate text feature for each line. These features will have the autocad_alignment_x, y, z values. This might be the most useful option for you.

if i did consider exploding the mtext is it possible to have both settings on 1 reader (multiple feature types)? to say have 1 reader and one feature type not explode mtext and another that does?

Hi @kidsmake6until2,

MText entities do not have autocad_alignment_x, y, z values, but instead have autocad_box_height and autocad_box_width, which give the dimensions of the MText box. The attribute autocad_attach_point defines the location of the FME text point to box (ie. autocad_middle_center means the box is centered around the text location).

If you set the DWG reader parameter 'Explode MText Entities' to Yes, the MText will be exploded into a separate text feature for each line. These features will have the autocad_alignment_x, y, z values. This might be the most useful option for you.

also I see the attribute attach point for mtext. (bottom center) are we sure there is not a way to expose this as a coordinate?

if i did consider exploding the mtext is it possible to have both settings on 1 reader (multiple feature types)? to say have 1 reader and one feature type not explode mtext and another that does?

Hi @gisbradokla,

If you use two readers (one exploding, one not), you should be able to merge the two feature types on the autocad_entity_handle attribute. Alternatively, you could calculate the text position using the box height, width and attach point.

Hi @gisbradokla,

If you use two readers (one exploding, one not), you should be able to merge the two feature types on the autocad_entity_handle attribute. Alternatively, you could calculate the text position using the box height, width and attach point.

thank you Dave, I guess then i would have to create a published parameter to use for both of the readers. as they are pointing to a folder of multiple dwgs. Is that how that would be handled (haven't ever accomplished this). The other issue i am tackling is that the mtext has several mtext features that i have to get all of them and put them back together.

Hi @gisbradokla,

If you use two readers (one exploding, one not), you should be able to merge the two feature types on the autocad_entity_handle attribute. Alternatively, you could calculate the text position using the box height, width and attach point.

I now have the data coming in as text and have a value in autocad_alignment_x. I am trying to assemble the values that are associated by their drawing name (fme_basename) and the alignment_x value. (the x value is the closest thing i can think of that is common between the items [since they are center aligned]) However, the autocad_alignment_x value is not the center of the text it is the lower left. How do I get back the bottom center alignment?
