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I am struggling to convert DGN cells that contain 3D models into ESRI File Geodatabase Multipatch in a way to create a single row (single multipatch feature) in an ESRI Geodb for a single DGN cell.


While converting, the DGN cell object is getting exploded in the destination ESRI multipatch into a number of rows, each corresponding to a 3D model face/polygon rather than referring to a single multipatch object. In other words, it gets exploded into separate features.


I have the “Expand named Cells” checked in the DGN reader which according to FME help “expands the cells into separate features”. However, when I uncheck this option teh output ESRI geodatabase is empty.


How I can translate DGN cell containing a 3D model into single multipatch feature in ESRI File Geodatabse?



Help much appreciated.









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